Hi. I’m Jessica. I’m the founder of Smart Nutrition. I’m a Registered Dietitian, and a mom who exclusively breastfed her baby.
I haven’t shared my breastfeeding story with very many people.
I haven’t shared my story because I know how this works. I didn’t want other moms to feel bad about their story.
Some stories are wrought with grief, anguish, despair, and frustration. Breastfeeding can have major challenges, and sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way a mom would like it to. And that’s okay.
It’s okay to mourn not having the experience you were hoping for. If this is you, I’m sorry. You are an amazing, awesome mama.
But I’ve realized it’s precisely for these mamas that I do need to share my story.
My story went against the odds. It really shouldn’t have turned into the story of joy, confidence, and deep seated satisfaction that it became.
The single reason I was able to 100% exclusively breastfed my baby until he started solids (and continue on until he was 18 months) was…
I was extremely well-educated about breastfeeding. I completed a course that would enable me to pursue the IBCLC (International Board of Certified Lactation Consultants) designation.
So, I had all the book knowledge. This helped me tremendously.
I knew that the number one reason women decide to quit breastfeeding is a PERCEIVED lack of milk. But in reality, most of those women don’t have anything medically inhibiting breastfeeding success. They actually have enough milk.
At the time, I didn’t know of any medical reason that would prevent me from successfully breastfeeding. I have since been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which can cause low supply and poor letdown, but at the time I was blissfully unaware of this.
So I entered my breastfeeding experience confident that I could make enough milk to feed my baby.
I also knew, however, that women have varying degrees of milk capacity. For lack of a better analogy, some women have a Hummer-sized tank, while others have a weedwacker-sized tank. So, some babies can get a larger quantity of milk at one time and go longer in between feedings, while other babies only get a smaller amount and have to feed more often. But nearly all babies can get enough milk to satisfy their growth and development.
I soon became aware that I had a weedwacker-sized tank. And a poor letdown. My poor baby needed to feed for 45-60 minutes, every 2 hours. That’s right, I was nursing him for half the day. At two weeks he ramped it up to every 1.5 hours. He was attached to me nearly 24/7. Literally, attached.
But then he calmed himself back to every 2 hours and I made it through. I was never able to pump, since he drank every ounce I made. The first time we left him with someone for a couple of hours was when he was 8 months old (yay solids!). My husband and I went out for Valentine’s dinner, worrying about how the baby was doing the whole time.
I realize that this crazy nursing schedule might not be possible for every mom. He was my first and only baby, so I didn’t have other kids and schedules to look after. I also had a super supportive husband who would take over diaper changes throughout the night so I could catch a bit of sleep in between nursing.
Most moms would probably have thought something was wrong. Most moms are told they only need to feed their babies every 3-4 hours and that they can go longer to sleep at night. If I hadn’t taken the breastfeeding course, I would have thought the same thing! I never would have imagined I’d need to feed so much… so often!
I’ve kept all this inside, for fear of further hurting someone who wasn’t able to breastfeed. That’s the last thing I’d ever want to do. But I am now willingly, happily, declaring that…
I am incredibly proud of myself for exclusively breastfeeding my baby!
But not because it’s some amazing achievement of willpower or superior motherhood. No, I attribute the success 100% to the knowledge I gained prior to initiating, and the tremendous support from my husband.
So that’s why I want to share my story, to share that knowledge. Knowledge is power.
For any expecting moms reading this… read as much as you can about breastfeeding before baby comes. Start by reading my post 10 Things Every Pregnant Woman Needs to Know About Breastfeeding. Take out books on breastfeeding from the library. Learn what’s normal and what’s not. For every minute you spend preparing for the birthing experience, spend an equal amount of time preparing for your breastfeeding experience!
I asked dozens of women what they wish they knew about breastfeeding when they were still pregnant. You can read their stories here as well.
Let our stories give you hope. Whether you’ve tried breastfeeding without success, or you’re pregnant for the first time and are scared it won’t work. You need to hear all the stories: the good, the bad, and everything in between!
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Shirley Bergen says
I breastfed my first four children in the 1960’s when it was not done very regularly. I was lucky that I didn’t have a problem. I really enjoyed sitting in my rocker and feeding my baby.
But when my fifth child was born six weeks early and had to stay in premie for awhile, I resigned myself to bottle-feeding and he grew just as fast as the ones I breastfed.
Years later, we were friends with a couple from China who had a baby while he was going to university. The young mother had no idea about looking after a baby because she was an only child. Fortunately, she had a Chinese doctor who made a house call and noticed her baby looked very mal-nourished. He admitted him to hospital and taught her how to supplement the feedings — her baby almost starved! Breastfeeding is wonderful, but I think it is a bit over-emphasized these days.
Lacy Ngo says
Thank you for emphasizing how often some have to breastfeed. My children often wanted to nurse every 30 minutes unless they were asleep. For me, learning to be comfortable nursing in public was crucial. I had to if I wanted to be able to get anything done. With my second, I learned how to nurse her while she was in one of those front carriers. I could nurse her under one of those covers while I cleaned or played with my active 3 year old son. On my son’s 4th birthday, I even raced my son in a race while I nursed. I couldn’t run very fast though
Enjoying your blog,
Lacy Ngo, MS, RD
from Mindfulness in Faith and Food
Jessica Penner says
Haha… I absolutely LOVE that you ran a race while nursing! That’s awesome! One time we were out looking at show homes and instead of pausing to sit down and nurse and walked from house to house with my son nursing under a cover 🙂 Good memories!
Jocelyn says
I would also add; do not only speak to friends and family but seek out the advice of your public health nurse and/or a lactation consultant. There are breastfeeding groups in every area of Winnipeg that can be sought out for knowledge and advice ahead of time. Even those not from Winnipeg can access these groups.
Jessica Penner says
Yes! There are such amazing resources available!