Here’s this week’s lineup! The feature food is artichokes!
Confession: I’ve never actually tried a fresh artichoke! Have you?
But I love them marinated in a jar! Artichokes have a great “meaty” texture and remind me a lot of chicken, especially when I add them to pasta recipes.
Artichokes are high in fibre, Vitamin C, and actually have a decent amount of protein for a veggie!
One of the fibres in artichokes is called inulin, which is known for being healthy for your gut. Inulin feeds the healthy microbiota, which breakdown the inulin into short chain fatty acids, which in turn feed the cells lining your colon!
SHOPPING TIP: If you’ve got a Costco membership, go here to buy your artichokes! They have the best price! That is, if you have room in your fridge to store the jar once you open them; it’s a big one 🙂
Grocery Shopping List
This Week’s Lineup!
Happy cooking 🙂

Serve the meatballs on top of rice alongside a salad. I’ve included a salad kit and rice in the grocery shopping list but feel free to plan to make your own salad if you prefer!

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